Worlds Most Valuable Company Capitalises on Privacy Panic
No doubt with the latest privacy scares in mind, but also to comply with the upcoming EU GDPR, Apple are implementing a large-scale overhaul of their privacy controls on all Apple devices from iOS 11.3 onwards (with over 1 billion iPhones sold and counting, that’s a LOT of devices).
Just for a start the Cupertino giant is:
1) Introducing new privacy icons that shows up when Apple first asks to use your data.
2) Introducing four new tools that let you:
a - Get a copy of your data
b - Request a correction to your data
c - Deactivate your account
d - Delete your account
3) Ensuring maximum possible commitment to privacy by:
a - Minimizing data collection
b - Offering transparent controls
c - Processing on-device rather than on Apple’s cloud
d - Maintaining security and end to end encryption
And that’s all just what they’ve announced so far. It’s no coincidence that they’ve put a strong emphasis on privacy and data protection just as the Cambridge Analytica scandal with Facebook has been in the news, but more importantly the controls allow customers that use Apple products to fulfil their data subject rights more easily under the new data protection laws coming into place for the EU from May 25th 2018.
These moves not only highlight the importance of being able to adapt to a rapidly changing regulatory environment, but also raise questions regarding how tech companies that are predominantly ad-based in terms of their revenue will be able to alter their business models to properly comply in the near future.
If you need any more advice and /or tailor-made preparation for GDPR and cyber-security, drop us a message at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us at your convenience on 0207 458 4088